One Huge Benefit for Annuity Owners

benefits text under magnifying glass graphic

About Lyle Boss

Lyle Boss, a well-known asset protection educator, has helped thousands of seniors navigate their financial retirement options.  With individuals retiring earlier and living longer, retirement income is a significant area of concern for maturing Americans.  His clients include government employees, teachers, physicians, farmers, and business executives, to name a few.  Not one of his clients has lost money in a market downturn.

Many benefits annuities provide include at no additional cost or expense.

Almost all new annuity contracts provide an immediate benefit. Is it income? Is it safe? Is it freedom from market risk? The answer to those questions is yes!

Plus more.

That’s the nursing home waiver.

Annuity contracts have a provision that allows annuity owners to access most or even all the funds if annuity owners must enter a nursing home for long-term care needs. A great fear of seniors is not only being confined to a nursing home and not being able to afford it because their money is illiquid.

For years insurance companies (insurance companies sell annuities) had been heavily criticized because they did not provide this waiver, and annuity owners had to pay penalties when they needed to access their money for nursing home care. Insurance companies changed their contracts to give the nursing home waiver. Funds can be taken out without fees or penalties in the event of a need for nursing home care. There is a qualifying period, and most contracts state you must be expected to reside in a nursing home for at least six months with a doctor who will confirm this.

Here are other benefits annuities provide:

In the event of death, there are zero surrender fees. Annuity contracts have periods where you can only access all or part of your funds if you pay surrender fees. But, if the annuitant passes away, the funds are delivered to the beneficiary without penalties or delays. Plus, if the contract names a beneficiary, the funds are paid from the annuity to the beneficiary without any need for probate.

Surrender penalties, why?

The answer is simple; annuities are not short-term commitments. The insurance company must make long-term investments to secure the returns offered in the annuity. Most surrender penalties are 5 to 10 years. There is a system for accessing the funds in an annuity without penalty. Almost all annuity contracts allow the owner of the annuity to access 10% of the annuity value annually without penalty. Annuity contracts contain many other provisions that can add to the overall benefits.

Ask the insurance agent you’re working on the contractual details of any annuity they recommend. Most agents only sell annuities that have these waivers in place.

Remember, specific annuity contracts will give you a front-end premium bonus. Still, in place of that upfront benefit, they require the annuitant to keep the policy throughout the entire surrender period.

It would help if you calculated which contract works best for you.

About Lyle Boss

Lyle Boss, a well-known asset protection educator, has helped thousands of seniors navigate their financial retirement options.  With individuals retiring earlier and living longer, retirement income is a significant area of concern for maturing Americans.  His clients include government employees, teachers, physicians, farmers, and business executives, to name a few.  Not one of his clients has lost money in a market downturn.

View The Best Annuity Rates Available Now

Annuities are a safe and reliable investment. They can transform your savings into a more predictable income. Speak with one of our qualified financial professionals today to find out how an annuity can offer you guaranteed monthly income for life.

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Content in our posted articles is deemed to be accurate but topics, facts and laws can change. It is always a good idea to verify facts before making decisions. Always seek authorized and professional advice regarding financial decisions which includes investing, annuity purchases, tax planning, changes in a financial portfolio and retirement planning.

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