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Meet Tim Wood

Tim is the Founder/Broker of Safe Money Retirement. His passion is to help educate the public about ways to protect their hard-earned retirement from market volatility and losses. Not one of his clients has ever lost a dollar due to a market downturn because he only deals in fixed products that offer complete protection from losses. This means each client can sleep well every night. Tim focuses on providing retirement strategies and solutions that explore ways to protect retirement money, increase income, and protect against potential market losses and economic volatility.

Meet Steve Standley

As Founder of Standley Financial Group in Brentwood, Tennessee, Steve serves successful professionals and clientele of high-net-worth individuals, and retirees. Providing guidance with investments, insurance, and estate planning. Concentrating on wealth accumulation, Safe Money investing, and retirement planning. Steve is experienced with over two decades of developing and managing revenue, counseling for professional and personal growth.

Meet Adam Howard

Adam Howard NSSA®, CFF®, is an independent financial professional who is dedicated to helping clients with the four pillars of retirement planning: health, wealth, legacy, and long-term care. Seeing his father lose his health, business, and family home in the crash of 2007 has empowered Adam to help others prepare for the unexpected.

Meet Jack Whittaker

Jack Whittaker has been providing financial services since 1986. He worked for a Fortune 500 company for 21 years before founding Carolina Benefits Group, where he specializes in helping clients pursue financial independence. Jack’s tenure was marked by an impressive 16-year consecutive appointment to the Chairman’s advisory board and 12 consecutive years as the number-one in sales. At Carolina Benefits Group, Jack and his team provide retirement strategies, income planning, legacy and life insurance planning, Medicare supplement insurance, long-term care, and Estate Planning. With 44 years of marriage and two adult children, and four grandchildren, Jack is committed to helping others achieve financial independence and has built a successful agency.

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Protect Your Retirement

Our 20th edition of The Safe Money Guide, the standard of the industry.