Articles By syndicated columnists

Syndicated Columnists is a National organization committed to a fully transparent approach to money management. Providing original content aimed at the financial market, their articles are diverse, easy to understand, and targeted to the average reader. These columnists pool and share article information to provide the highest quality experience for their readers.
October 29, 2021

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Does Your Social Security Just Go Away When You Die? By Syndicated Columnists|October 29th, 2021 What happens to your Social Security when you die? “Those planning their retirements should consider. . .

October 26, 2021

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Questions to ask yourself before choosing a Bank CD or annuity. “If you want to retire well, you will need to be even more vigilant about protecting your cash, both. . .

October 26, 2021

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What is tax-loss harvesting and will it work for you? “For many investors, tax-loss harvesting is one of the most useful tools for reducing capital gains taxes.” When securities and. . .

October 26, 2021

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Don’t let your financial advisor put you in a “box.” Social science researchers and best-selling authors Neil Howe and William Strauss were among the first to track and qualify American. . .

October 26, 2021

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What’s a life settlement, and could you benefit from having one? “Older Americans don’t know there may be an alternative to letting your policy lapse or surrendering it to the. . .

October 26, 2021

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Married? Unmarried? Retirement Planning is still essential Retirement planning is crucial enough as it is for a married family. Still, it becomes even more critical for singles or unmarried couples. . .

October 26, 2021

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When planning retirement, do you depend on projections based on future conditions or do you plan your retirement based on guarantees. The answer may surprise you; both can be the. . .
October 26, 2021

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In September 2013 a UC Berkeley study found that the wealthiest 1% of Americans saw their income grow by 31.4% between 2009 and 2012. Also it was discovered that income. . .
October 26, 2021

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The stock index & how history can make you a smart investor “The best way to measure your investing success is not by whether you’re beating the market but by. . .

October 26, 2021

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There are numerous reasons for owning an annuity but the most often considered reason is using an annuity for income. Annuities possess a wonderful feature; an annuity will guarantee income. . .

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Our unique system of “Pooled and Shared” articles by our authors, our outside contributors, and writing assistants provides efficiency, enhanced collaboration, and greater topic accessibility. This allows for a better utilization of content and productivity while delivering meaningful content to our readers.

Content in our posted articles is deemed to be accurate but topics, facts and laws can change. It is always a good idea to verify facts before making decisions. Always seek authorized and professional advice regarding financial decisions which includes investing, annuity purchases, tax planning, changes in a financial portfolio and retirement planning.

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