Make Sure You Avoid The Financial Storms

About Al Martinez

For more than two decades, Al Martinez has been an advisor and general agent in the financial services industry, helping clients to make sound financial decisions in the areas of insurance and retirement planning. Host of the Al Martinez Retirement And Income Radio Show.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Years ago, I was sitting in my home watching on TV the arrival of a destructive force of nature called Hurricane Harvey in Houston.  As was reported through 24/7 media coverage, Harvey landed on the Texas Gulf Coast that day.  With its arrival came winds over 100 miles per hour, torrential rainfall totaling 50+ inches in some areas, and historic flooding. Residents in some neighborhoods were left homeless for months. Some are still displaced.

On September 14, 2018, another major hurricane, Florence, landed on the North Carolina coastline.  As with Harvey, Florence brought high winds and torrential and destructive flooding. During that same time, a tropical disturbance was discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, bringing high winds, torrential, and devastating flooding.  During the same time, a tropical disturbance was found in the Gulf of Mexico, threatening the Texas coastline with destruction.

These repeated storms and storm threats remind me of an old saying in Houston.  “It only rains twice yearly in our town…August through April and May through July.” 

I am a professional financial advisor. In some ways, I am like a meteorologist.  My responsibilities are to help my clients identify and mitigate financial risks and to direct them toward a safe, secure retirement future.   So it concerned me when one of my clients told me he was considering managing his portfolio for a while longer.

I understand the factors one may consider when one makes that choice.  There are benefits, and it can be rewarding to manage your portfolio if you have the time and expertise.  But just like the changing climate conditions we can’t control, there are risks in going alone. Here are some of those risks which I shared with my client.

Market risk. The market is currently very volatile.  Based on market history, you can reasonably expect that in at least one year out of 10, your account could experience up to a 20% loss.  With an investment of $100,000 and a 6% hypothetical annual growth rate, a single-year loss of 20% at any given year may negatively affect your account’s ending balance.

Interest rate risk. Bank CD rates are rising, but those increases may need to catch up with inflation.  In addition, the interest earned is subject to taxes.  From the insurance companies I represent, annuities currently earn higher interest rates than CDs and are tax-deferred.  Many annuities allow the owner to withdraw up to 10% of the account value, including interest, without penalty.  CDs will not let you make partial withdrawals without penalty.

Longevity and cost of living risk. Current estimates indicate as many as 82,000 people in the United States are aged 100 years or more.  If the population of centenarians continues to increase at the current rate, there could be close to one million people over age 100 living in the US by 2050.  It is easy to understand why the greatest fear of many retirees is that they will run out of money before their death.  A good retirement plan needs to address this risk to their savings in a way that keeps up with the cost of living and secures a guaranteed income for life.

Taxes. While each factor above is essential, the most critical risk to your retirement account, which will determine whether you will run out of money in your lifetime, is taxes.  It would be best if you had a plan to reduce your taxes after you retire. But as many who have retired will learn, it is very difficult to accomplish tax reduction.

As I stated, I understand and respect the desire to manage your portfolio.  As a professional retirement planning advisor, I always serve my client’s best interests.  Making sure my clients never run out of income, no matter how long they live, is essential to that commitment.  Should you manage your portfolio?  What are the risks?

Remember the adage, “It only rains twice a year in our town…August through April and May through July.”  Be sure your retirement plan is ready to weather any storm so you can relax and enjoy sun-filled retirement days!

Many people have learned about the power of using the Safe Money approach to reduce volatility. Our Safe Money Guide is in its 20th edition and is available for free.  

It is an Instant Download.  Here is a link to download our guide: 

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About Al Martinez

For more than two decades, Al Martinez has been an advisor and general agent in the financial services industry, helping clients to make sound financial decisions in the areas of insurance and retirement planning. Host of the Al Martinez Retirement And Income Radio Show.

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